#SafeToSay is a campaign developed by the Wales Violence Prevention Unit, in partnership with the Good Night Out Campaign, that aims to make nightlife safer by encouraging people to take a stand against sexual harassment in South Wales.
The campaign offers examples of how someone can intervene safely when this witness sexual harassment or problematic sexual behaviour when out at night. Tactics suggested by the campaign include seeking help from a member of staff, distracting the perpetrator, supporting the victim or speaking calmly to the perpetrated if the person feels it is safe to do so.
The campaign was designed to reflect the bystander theory of change, which depicts the stages needed for a person to move from inaction to action. These are:
Alongside ads which ran across social media, billboards and posters in city centres, a website included further advice on how to step in safely, as well as information on support services.
The campaign has run in two phases so far, both of which have been evaluated. The evaluations indicate that whilst campaigns can be an effective tool to encourage people to take a stand against sexual harassment, there is a need for additional activity, such as training, to ensure people feel empowered to act and have the skills to do so safely.
Visit www.safetosay.wales for more information
The Elected Home Education Engagement Project supports elected home educated children and their families to access support, advice and guidance to prevent exploitation and other safety and wellbeing issues.
Allowing boys and young men to have a safe space to challenge norms and narratives impacting their lives.
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