Supporting children and young people to achieve their potential
Media Academy Cymru offer a wide variety of courses that provide an alternative to mainstream education for students 16-25. Courses are designed to support people who are unable to access similar opportunities elsewhere, are at risk of social exclusion or are not in education, training or employment.
Sarah, Director of Accredited Learning at Media Academy Cymru, said: “Everyone learns in their own way, and has their own individual skills, experience and passions. At Media Academy Cymru, we are able to offer learners a safe and supportive space to gain skills that mean something to them in topics that interest them.
“The aim of the Media Academy Cymru courses is not only to support children and young people to continue with education and training but also to ensure they are supported to develop social and employability skills through a sensitive support program that focuses on individual learners and their needs.”
All courses are free, and include year-long or shorter courses, known as MAC on Track. Courses are focused on inspiring creativity, supporting learners to pursue skills they are passionate about including photography, film making and game design.
Learners able to gain recognised qualifications while also developing social and employability skills through a sensitive support program that focuses on individual learners and their needs. In partnership with Cardiff and Vale College, learners who complete a course also have an option to continue on to further education.
“They (teachers) have been really friendly, and it hasn’t felt too formal or like school…It has felt supportive and friendly.”
“I love the fact that our tutors are experts and teach from their first-hand experience.”
“If it wasn’t for MAC, I would have had to put my studying on hold. I prefer being in a smaller space away from the hustle and bustle.”
“I have learned loads at MAC and my confidence has really grown. There is always someone to talk to and everyone is friendly. I love it here.”
The Elected Home Education Engagement Project supports elected home educated children and their families to access support, advice and guidance to prevent exploitation and other safety and wellbeing issues.
Allowing boys and young men to have a safe space to challenge norms and narratives impacting their lives.
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