Braver Choices is a programme delivered by Media Academy Cymru which supports children and young people who involved in or at risk of using weapons.
A youth worker will develop a series of up to 20 sessions for the child or young person, which is dependent on their individual needs. The sessions are designed to help challenge the narrative on knife crime and weapon carrying, empowering the child or young person to create a positive self-identity and make positive life choices.
Emily Powell, Youth Worker, said: “Many young people have stated that they have a lack of knowledge around the laws of knife crime and weapons as it’s not discussed in schools and often seen as a taboo subject. The intervention is important to raise awareness and support young people to move away from weapon carrying and be more aware of the risks associated with it.”
“I realise now, it’s just not worth it. I thought I was protecting myself but really I was just making myself and my friends more likely to get hurt.”
15 year old boy who has taken part in the Programme
The Elected Home Education Engagement Project supports elected home educated children and their families to access support, advice and guidance to prevent exploitation and other safety and wellbeing issues.
Allowing boys and young men to have a safe space to challenge norms and narratives impacting their lives.
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